This morning at Maple Heights Farm, our homemade Nitrate-free corned beef was finally taken from the brine (after sitting for 10 days), rinsed and set in the crockpot with two onions. At lunchtime, we added about four pounds of potato and all the carrots I could fit into the crockpot. About an hour before dinner, I poured some broth into another pot and chopped up some cabbage (I wanted the cabbage flavored by the broth but didn't have any more room in the crockpot). This cooked until it was done. The whole meal was reassembled on a platter on the table.
It was delicious and there are precious few leftovers. I do have enough for one delicious sandwich which will be served with Robinson's Family Swiss -- a local organic cheese and Real Pickles fermented sauerkraut that I was lucky enough to remember to order on Mass Local Food last month!
I saved the broth. I normally save whatever broth I have, mostly for the important minerals and gelatin that come from the long slow simmer of the bones. We didn't have bones in this dish, so the broth is strictly for flavor. I do enjoy the corned beef, but it is really all the delicious meat-flavored vegetables that I love. I will be cooking up a few more potatoes, onions, cabbage and carrots later in the week for a delicious side dish. I am actually thinking a nice colcannon cooked in broth with bacon might be just the thing...